Whew!!! what a whirlwind of time, I cannot even believe it has taken me this long to
post....Geezzzz. I should lose my blogging priviledges.
The hands of time have been moving extremely fast. You know what they say, the older you get the faster it goes....It is a fact. No truer words have been spoken.
Well.......I have been ever so busy, and excited would be an understatement.
I have been like a little elf working and designing the new spring line for peacock park. I must say, I am sooooo excited I cant stand it.
I have really blown up the "garden" and "girlie" sections of the line.
As for Garden, we are going to have amazing new crusty painted lanterns of wonderful pastel paints in shades of pink and green patina, with distressed copper roofs. These are sure to be all the rage this season, I have a prediction, the lantern will become the new "cloche". I can see them housing not only candles, but statues, florals and of course, the perfect nest that has just revealed itself as the leaves have fallen off the trees.
I make it a tradition to go in the woods on my property as the leaves fall and scour the low laying trees and shrubs for a quest for the latest addition to my collection of "natures nests". They are works of art, spun from weeds, string, feathers, and sometimes the unexpected treasure of a newspaper word, or some trash turned treasure that the architect has deemed worthy of her latest creation.
I display these in a collection cloches that I have from the streets of paris, but now I can't wait to house them in my lanterns for a new spring look.
Our show season for PPD was beyond our expections, I must say, I have met so many amazing people. I have found myself wanting to rent an RV and travel the country and visit these amazing people. They are so creative, and freindly. I truly have made many more freinds that I think I will have for life, I am truly blessed, I want to do this job for the rest of my life. I am truly enjoying it.
I told my friend, I feel like Tinkerbell. I wave my wand, and create things of my dreams. SOMEBODY PINCH ME !!! My family and freinds are so supportive, withouth them this truley would not be possible........
Who Doesn't recognize this style icon????? Rachel Ashwell.
WOW what a wonderful lady. I enjoyed working with her. She and her assistant were such an inspiration to me, I have an incredible amount of respect for Rachel, she made her british little phrase "shabby" a household name. She singlehandedly changed the way the public perceives tattered and worn items. She paved the way for people like me who adore all things old, to market them to the masses and have the consumer understand that that little chip in the paint...IS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE !!!
Thank You Rachel !!!!!
And last but not least.....I cant tell you the excitement I had to actually SEE the boxes of my mats arrive out of their container. FINALLY!! My dream has become a reality.....REALLY. Wow, what a great feeling, and then the re-orders are already coming in.. That means you like them too. I am forever grateful to any of you who actually purchase my products. Thank YOU for allowing me to do what I love.....